How to Handle a Negative Online Review (Hint: Don’t Panic!)


Advertising your rental home on a public website like Airbnb or VRBO can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, previous guests can become zealous sales agents for your property by writing a heartfelt review about all its amazing features and the wonderful time they had while visiting Santa Teresa. 

On the other hand, one impossible-to-please guest who thinks your hammocks aren’t up to snuff and you’re forced to deal with a disgruntled former client who has a (very public) forum from which to attack your lovely home.  

In today’s sharing economy, negative reviews are simply part of the cost of doing business. No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone out there who had a different expectation than you were able to deliver. Believe it or not, it is possible to constructively address a negative review and even turn it into a positive experience. Here’s how.

Vent your frustration elsewhere

If you’ve ever read a negative review about your property, you know the feeling: your heart starts racing, your blood pressure surges, and a thousand questions start running through your mind. What were they expecting…? Don’t they understand…? How could I have even known…? This is not—repeat: NOT—the time for you to formulate your response. Voice your annoyance to a friend, scribble your dissatisfaction in a journal, but whatever you do, wait until your anger dissipates before even thinking of drafting a reply. That said…

Reply quickly

In this instance, “quickly” means: within about 3 business days. You don’t want a negative review to linger online without a response for any longer than necessary. Replying quickly shows that you’re involved with your property and care about your clients.

Show empathy

If you’ve given yourself the appropriate amount of time to cool down, you’re in a much better frame of mind to imagine yourself in your clients’ shoes. You might not agree with their perspective, but you can see the other side of the issue. Begin with a thank you and an apology (“Dear MadMax, Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry you and your family were disappointed with your stay…”)  Doing so is not an admission of weakness—it’s a demonstration that you care about your clients.

Keep it short

We’ve all seen long, ranting tirades in online reviews and it doesn’t make us think, “Gee, what a conscientious, detailed individual…” We think, “Man, what a nut job…” Don’t fall into this trap either. Keep your response to a short paragraph, 5-7 sentences max.  

Take responsibility & be positive

Remember, the world is watching your response, so if something truly went wrong on your property, it’s up to you to make it right (“I know how inconvenient it must have been for you when the water pipe broke…”). However, if the guest complains about something over which you have absolutely no control, put a positive spin on it (“Yes, the local rooster population is a bit active in the morning, and this is part of Costa Rica’s unique jungle experience…”)

Take the conversation offline

While it’s important to publicly respond to a negative review, there’s no need to engage in back-and-forth for the whole world to see. Plus, tempers can flare online in a way that often doesn’t happen when both parties can hear the other’s voice and get a better sense of their intentions. At the end of your response, include your email address or direct phone number and ask the client to call you to discuss.

Learn from the feedback

No matter how much you love your home, pay attention to the things your guests tell you. If you receive consistent complaints that your house lacks a microwave or you don’t have enough towels, know these things are obviously important to your guests, so it’s worth it to make a change.


When you own a vacation rental property, negative online reviews are just par for the course. Don’t get too caught up or let them bring you down. The sooner you become comfortable handling them like any other piece of business, the sooner you can get on with your day.


Want to know more about how your make your rental process go more smoothly? We can help.

Contact us today and let’s get to work.

Summer Breault